Indie DJ complains. A nation ignores.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Liquid Lunch

I swear I'll get the tracklisting up here tomorrow, along with another from tonight.

Incidentally, I spent much of today explaining to people who Calvin Johnson was, and why it was cool that I had lunch with him.

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Live from Sheffield, it's Saturday night!!!

I've set up a myspace page for myself, trying to drum up some extra work. I need a recent playlist up there, and to save me the effort of retyping from scratchy notes, I'm going to put tonight's set on the myspace blog live, as it happens, from about 10.30pm (GMT)

Behold, My myspace

I'll try and repost it over here with a director's commentary during the week. Don't touch that dial.

Facebook will follow shortly, although it's slightly irksome that if I want a page specifically for my work then I have to have "fans" instead of "friends". Which makes me sound a bit like a "wanker".